Suchan Kinoshita

Students of the Suchan Kinoshita class at the University of Fine Arts Münster

Suchan Kinoshita was born in Tokyo in 1960 into a Japanese-German family. She studied music in Cologne and visual arts in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Kinoshita’s art incorporates elements from her background in experimental music and theatre, especially the direct connection between work and audience. That Kinoshita grew up between two cultures and was trained in different artistic disciplines is reflected in her work, which seeks, crosses or simply ignores boundaries. She combines the process of theatre and music with the often rather static character of visual art. Suchan Kinoshita holds a professorship in painting at the Kunstakademie Münster. Students of Suchan Kinoshita’s class will open SOUNDSEEING 2023 at the Haus Nottbeck cultural estate.

The artists are Alma Mariama Camara, Anja Mothes, Bastian Buddenbrock, Jennifer Rommel, Leon-Maxim Lindner, Malin Schlebusch, Marie Parohl, Micael Gonçalves Ribeiro, Sophie Rebentisch.

+ Suchan Kinoshita on YouTube
