Ausstellungshalle am Hawerkamp

Am Hawerkamp 31 | Halle B | D 48155 Münster | +49 (0)251 54895
Klangkunst Ausstellung Christof Schläger 2021 Ausstellung am Hawerkamp

The Hawerkamp as a cultural location has written its own history for 25 years. Art exhibitions, concerts, club festivals, art courses, legendary crossover events, concerts in screwdriver workshops, theatre in the old factory hall B and the annual EdH festival attract thousands of visitors. Just as the Hawerkamp is a place of public life, it is also a place of work. More than 50 visual artists, as well as printers, tailors, bicycle and car mechanics, craftsmen, clubs and concert organisers, architects, caterers, socio-cultural associations, rehearsing bands and theatre groups are active on the site. The Hawerkamp site has been managed by the association “Der Hawerkamp 31 e.V.” since 2013.

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